Statement of Faith

We believe in the Only one God existing in three Persons, The Father, the Son and the Holy Ghost, the Creator of all creation
We believe the Word of God is infallible and it is life abundantly and Life Eternally
We believe that the Word was made flesh and among us
We believe the Word was God’s only Begotten Son who was born of a Virgin Mary suffered under Pontius Pilate, Crucified, dead and buried and rose triumphantly the third day from the dead and is at rightful place in God’s Kingdom making intercession for Mankind’s sin
We Believe through Jesus Christ Death and Resurrection Mankind can saved and have eternal life now, and in the end live in glory forever and ever with Christ
We believe God empowers believers with the Gift of the Holy Ghost to continue Christ Mission on earth for God’s Kingdom.
We believe that there is eternal damnation for the wicked eternal life for the righteous.