be enrolled in the God ordained and Holy Spirit driven; NSOLEYN OUTREACH BIBLE SEMINARY (NSOBS) “THE LIGHT KNOWLEDGE ON FIRE”.
To have the mind to seek Biblical higher learning is finding more the Bible/Gods’ to be the light of the World. The knowledge of the Word by the Holy Ghost illuminates you, setting your Soul on fire (Psalm 119:105). The fire of the Holy Ghost that burns with in your souls will propel you to tell all people, great and small in any place (Acts 1:8). The more you pray, read study it’s the more you will desire to know God in every aspect even when you are tempted to stop studying.(Philippians 3:9-10. Blessed be the name of the Lord!
Every Student must be determined in their soul that by Gods’ mercies they will trust the Lord by faith in daily prayer. In praying the work that the Lord has begun in you, it will be accomplished in Jesus’ name (Philippians 1:6). There is no completion without work and perseverance.Students that are seeking for more knowledge must prioritize. Time is swiftly passing away and we must seize the opportunity to finish your task.
The purpose for what everyone has come to learn will be needed in your lives and Ministries. The Apostle Paul in his writing to the young Pastor Timothy counseled him; to study the Word to show himself approved as a good soldier, rightly dividing the Word of truth (2Timothy 2:15). You must know why certain text was written; therefore, it will take studying and research as the Spirit of God directs. You may also find areas of learning you would have received would become useful for given tasks in class and in vocation/ministry. There maybe times when you are given specific assignments and might find it difficult to do a couple researches, because of a sudden engagement, but because of your previous studies you were still successful and escape failure. However, as a Christian learner or vocation leaders it is important to prioritize and prepare a head of time when given appointments and assignments. You can also be called suddenly to a case or public speaking. Your studies and preparation as post grads is very vital.
As a young person, I had the desire for spiritual learning with a passion. The Lord opened several places for me to be educated more in the Word and ministry direct by God’s Holy Spirit. It was not until I answered the Call to Pastor God’s Flock a second time. I realized my learning objective was to teach the Bible and Secular education. I was blessed to attend secular colleges and teach for the public Schools and then the Holy Spirit of God directed me in teaching Christian Education to humanity. Never thought I would be an administrator and professor for the most distinct Seminary that is in the state of New York; New York Theological Seminary (NYTS) years after. Then to be the Founder and President of NSOLEYN OUTREACH BIBLE SEMINARY (THE LIGHT KNOWLEDGE ON FIRE) in Gods’ Word in this World.
NSOBS acquiring membership of the largest nongovernment Accredited IndependentAssociation of Christian Colleges and Seminaries in the World (AICCS with 591 schools as of May 2021. Therefore, go forward in this World and shine as the stars for heaven and the brightest lights for Christ. As you humbly thrust your all in Gods’ care in the name of Jesus Christ by God’s Holy Spirit; praying, studying, and overcoming! You are conquerors through Christ. Thank you for choosing NSOLEYN OUTREACH BIBLE SEMINARY as your next family who studies together and pray for each other. Rev. Dr. Neithe Soleyn