Dr. Louella Sween-EDU

     I would like to thank the Lord Jesus Christ for everything He has done in my life.

Having being diagnosed with cancer after surgery in 2018, going through chemo and immunotherapy. Diagnosed with toxic gastroenteritis and colitis in 2020.
Doctors finding a mole under my foot that was turning cancerous in August 2021 was able to cut it out just in time.
Through this, God placed amazing people in my life to get me through these difficult times, my husband, children, mom, dad, sisters, the church, family members, my Pastor, some co-workers and my employers.
Through it all, God had a plan for my life.

I completed my doctorate in education while going through those difficult times on Saturday, September 18, 2021.
If God did it for me, He can do it for you. Trust Him always. He will work for you.
He also shows you who your true friends are and those who are truly happy for your accomplishments.
Now, I am giving back. Giving back to Him, by learning more of Him through NSOBS bible seminary, a place that teaches the true word of God.

This seminary has helped me overcome a negative thought life. Improving my prayer life and knowing that God’s purpose is to tell others of Him so they too can reap the benefits after accepting Him as their Lord and savior. He has a purpose for your life.
I should have been dead, but God said NO.
I am also giving back to my place of employment, the teachers, and the families I serve.

God bless you! 


Dr. Louella Sween-EDU